2011年10月12日 星期三


I just found 2 links that allow me to download a supposed downloader of the Diablo III Beta.

PC version: 

Mac version: 

I found them here: http://www.diablofans.com/topic/28042-download-link-of-the-beta-no-virus-not-fake/
I've ran a virus and a malware scan on them, but I got nothing. Are they the real thing? I know the beta testing has alredy started for Blizzard employees and their families. Is it possible that these are the downloaders they use to get the beta, or are these sophisticated phishing programs desingned to steal beta test keys?

In case some1 is wondering, I did send a ticket to Blizzard (Ticket US19234969) asking if those downloaders are real. Here's what I got from them:

"We are unable to discuss these websites or their content as they are not part of Blizzard Entertainment or affliated with us in any way. Please keep in mind that these are NOT supported by Blizzard Entertainment and could contain malicious programs/etc. Please refer to our forums if you have any questions regarding Diablo lll and upcoming beta information!




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