2012年12月5日 星期三

[ Game / Android / iPhone ] Blood Brothers Evolution Guide

Evolution allows you to mix two Familiars of the same kind to increase the stats, and rarity of a Familiar. Evolving a Familiar two or more times will change the Familiar and its skill.

Familiar Evolution

"By combining two of the same familiar, it is possible to create an evolved familiar that is stronger than the originals, with a different appearance. The rarity of some familiars may change after evolving, and it's even possible their initial stats may be lower. Rest assured that after gaining some levels their new stats will surpass the old."Taken from in-game Help


The evolution formula would look something like this:
  Spawn Stat
+ (Evolution Result Base Stat - Spawn Base Stat)
+ 5% OR 10% of Seed Stat
Evolution Result Stat
Taken from Comments.


The Familiar to be evolved. The Spawn absorbs 5% of the Seed's stats (unless the seed is at max level in which case the Spawn absorbs 10%). The Resulting Familiar also inherits the level of the spawn, with increased stats (including empowered bonuses), crystal usage count, and a new look, name, and sometimes skill.


"The familiar used as raw material in an evolution is called the "seed." Once used, the seed is removed from your familiars. Only one seed may be chosen in each evolution." Taken from in-game Help
The new evolved familiar will inherit 5% of the stats (including empower bonuses) for non-max level seeds and 10% (including empower bonuses) from max-level seeds.

How to Evolve

"Tap a familiar to select or deselect it. Tap and hold on a familiar to view it's detailed stats. First choose the target familiar, or "spawn," then choose the seed. Gold is necessary to complete the evolution. Note that familiars currently in an [adventuring] party may not be selected."Taken from in-game Help

Multiple Evolutions

"A familiar can only evolve a limited number of times--the more star icons it has, the more it can evolve. Evolving twice increases the familiar's rarity and changes it's skills."Taken from in-game Help

Tips & Tricks

The following information has been obtained through trial and error, and some guesswork.
Evolved familiars inherit the Skill level of the Spawn. Be sure that your Spawn has the higher Skill Level. When the evolution results in increased rarity, the familiar may CHANGE SKILLS. The Skill Level of the Spawn will carry through but may be downgraded. The Spawn also retains it's level, however when upgrading in rarity (which includes an increase in level cap), this level may change slightly.
Crossbowman Evolution, Spawn with Skill
To illustrate the point of Skill level inheritance, take a look at this Crossbowman.
Wight Knight Evolution, Skilled Seed.
To further illustrate Skill Level inheritance the more skilled Wight Knight was placed as a seed.
Crossbowman II to Sureshot Evolution.
When the Skill level changes (a result with an odd number of stars), the Skill Level experience is still inherited from the Spawn. Due to some skills costing more expereince to level, the familiars Skill Level may change.
Both the Spawn and Seed can be at Max Lvl before evolving them. However the Spawns level does not reset upon evolution, The Seed should be at Max Lvl for the 10% stats transfer over to the spawn on top of the base evolution increase. Any stats increased by crystals on the seed will transfer based on the full value, meaning with 10 crystals on a stat you will transfer an additional 50 points. Getting a Two Star unit as a seed is less ideal than two One Star units that have been evolved at max level. This means to get the optimal stats for a final 4 Star Unit you will require eight 1 star units of that type. Each of those have to be leveled to their max before they are used as a Seed in the evolution.

Achieving Max Stats

Achieving Max stats requires 8 1-star versions of the Familiar. Four of those must be leveled to Max, and then used as the Seed for the other Four. Two of the Resulting 2-Star Familiars should then be leveled to Max (This will give max Stats for the 2-Star version), and then used as Seed for the two others. One of the resulting 3-Star Familiars should be leveled to max (yielding the 3-Star Max Stats), and used as the Seed for the other. The resulting 4-Star Familiar - when leveled completely will have Max Stats.
The stats reached using the method above should be the ones used on the Familiar pages.

For an added boost to your Familiars, use crystals as you see fit - If you have enough, put 10 of each crystal into each Seed familiar! (NOTE: This will only net you about 165 extra stat points more than just adding your crystals to the finished product, and will cost you 70 extra crystals per stat! Additionally, if one uses only 40 of each crystal on the proper familiars the final stats are only off from a perfect familiar by 15 in each stat. Please do not include Crystal enhanced stats on a Familiar page.



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